Xterm Cheatsheet

-132 Normally, the VT102 DECCOLM escape sequence that switches between 80 and 132 column mode is ignored. This option causes the DECCOLM escape sequence to be recognized, and the xterm window will resize appropriately. -ah This option indicates that xterm should always highlight the text cursor. By default, xterm displays a hollow text cursor whenever … Read more

Docker Cli

Docker Cheatsheet This cheatsheet provides a collection of commonly used docker commands. Getting Started The getting started guide on Docker has detailed instructions for setting up Docker. After setup is complete, run the following commands to verify the success of installation: PLEASE NOTE POST INSTALLATION STEPS BELOW IF YOU HAVE TO PREPEND SUDO TO EVERY … Read more

How to Fix “Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:/var/run/docker.sock” Error Message?

Docker is a popular platform for building, shipping, and running applications in containers. However, sometimes when you try to run Docker commands, you may encounter an error message that says “Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:/var/run/docker.sock”. This error message indicates that the Docker client is unable to connect to the Docker daemon due … Read more

How to install docker on Linux Ubuntu

Docker is a platform enabling users to package and run applications in containers. Containers are isolated, similar to virtual machines, but more portable and resource-friendly. The isolation allows for the execution of many containers simultaneously on a single host. Docker uses a client-server architecture and relies on the Docker daemon to manage the containers. In … Read more